Wondering when to use the, also known as the definite article?
The rules at the bottom of this page explain when to use the.
When to Use The – Exercise
Instructions: Complete the following sentences, adding the definite article “the” in the gap when needed. Note that some sentences do not require an article.
1) People who enjoy skiing often go to ______ Rocky Mountains.
2) ______ elderly sometimes need specialized medial care.
3) Darnell is going to ______ college this year.
4) She recently moved here from ______ India.
5) ______ movie I saw last night was so interesting
6) I really don’t like ______ ice cream.
7) ______ UK Prime Minister lives in ______ London.
8) My best friend loves ______ dogs.
9) There are boats on ______ Thames River, especially near ______ Richmond.
10) A common stereotype is that ______ British are reserved.
11) We went to ______ Greek Islands and ______ Croatia last year.
12) Is he from ______ United Kingdom or ______ France?
13) Have you ever seen ______ Salt Lake in ______ Utah?
14) Did you make that cardigan yourself?
No, it’s ______ cardigan I bought at ______ Macy’s.
15) ______ apples are good for you.
16) I really enjoy going to ______ cinema.
17) He eats ______ lunch at ______ Pizza Hut.
18) _____ Mr. Dodson was a famous mathematician at ______ Cambridge University.
19) ______ Trump Tower is on ______ 5th Avenue in ______ New York.
20) I need to go to ______ bed early. I have to go to ______ work early tomorrow.
When to Use The – Answers to the Exercise
1) the
2) The
3) —
4) —
5) The
6) —
7) The, —
8) —
9) the, —
10) the
11) the, —
12) the, —
13) –, —
14) the, —
15) —
16) the
17) — , —
18) — , —
19) — , –, —
20) — , —
When to Use The – Rules
The definite article the is used in the following ways:
1) When it not the first time that something is mentioned in the conversation
Example: Anjula goes to college. In fact, she goes to the college in this town.
2) If the thing being mentioned is unique
Example: We stayed at the original Ice Hotel in Sweden last year.
3) With the names of mountain ranges, rivers, and oceans
Example: The Appalachian Mountains are lovely this time of year.
4) With the names of countries made up of different nations or states. Also with groups of islands and regions.
Example: He is a citizen of the United Kingdom. He lives in the west of England.
5) To refer to classes of people or groups
Example: She donates clothes to the needy.
6) To refer to the natural environment (before words like: sea, sky, sun, ground, country, environment)
Example: Our hotel room overlooked the sea.
7) To refer to the theatre, the cinema, the movies, and the radio as forms of entertainment
Example: I love going to the theatre.
8) When the speaker is discussing something in particular, rather than in general
Example: The music at their wedding reception was atrocious.
Rule 8 is, beyond a doubt, the rule that you need the most!
When speaking about something in general, you do not need to use the word the.
If you are describing something specific, you need to use the word the.
When Not to Use The – Rules
Remember that when speaking about something in general, you do not need to use the word the.
When you do not need to use the word the, we refer to this as the zero article.
When not to use the:
1) Before the names of meals
Example: I usually eat breakfast at 8:00 AM.
2) When we speak about places in a general way: bed, work, home, prison, school, college (US), university (UK)
Example: He has been in prison for 14 years.
3) When we speak about general likes and dislikes: music, sports, animals, food, etc.
Example: He detests spicy food.
4) When we use a title with a name like: Mr. Mrs. Dr. Captain, Professor, etc.
Example: Professor Smith recommended that I study more.
5) With the names of lakes, continents, countries, cities, towns, or states
Example: Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and North Carolina are beautiful states.
6) When referring to television in general
Example: Many documentaries are shown on television.
7) With the names of streets, institutional buildings, and stations
Example: Please meet me at Newcastle University, near Piccadilly Station on Manchester Street.
8) With restaurants, hotels, banks, and companies that are named after people
Example: We ate at McDonalds and then shopped at Harrods.
More help with The
Collins Dictionary – The Definite Article