IELTS Writing Samples and Essay Topics
This page provides IELTS writing samples and essay topics for the Academic Module and for the General Training Module.
The first half of this page shows the IELTS essay topics.
IELTS writing samples are given on the second half of this page.
IELTS Writing Samples – Essay Topics
Task 1 – Academic
In task 1 of the academic test, you will be asked to examine a chart or diagram.
You will then write a 150-word essay that summarizes the key features of the figure.
Now look at the IELTS essay topics below.
Instructions: Describe the significant features of one of the five data sets below.
IELTS Writing Samples: Data Set 1 – Student Absences

IELTS Writing Samples: Data Set 2 – Deaths in Jackson County

IELTS Writing Samples: Data Set 3 – Operating expenses

IELTS Writing Samples: Data Set 4 – Grain Production

IELTS Writing Samples: Data Set 5 – Electricity and Gas Consumption

IELTS Writing Samples – Essay Topics
Task 1 – General
Here are some IELTS essay topics for task 1 of the general training module.
Instructions: Write a letter of at least 150 words on one of the following topics.
- You want to apply for a job requires you to speak over the phone with customers and respond to their complaints. Write a letter explaining why you would be good for the job.
- A friend is coming to visit your hometown. Write a letter telling him or her what you are going to do and see when they visit.
- You recently took a part-time job for a company, but decided to attend college instead. Write a letter to the company explaining your decision.
- A friend has agreed to take care of your plants while you are away. Write a letter giving him or her advice on how to care for the plants.
- You are going to participate in a home-stay program. Write a letter to the host family introducing yourself.
- Your luggage was damaged on a recent flight. Write a letter to the airline explaining the damage and asking for a solution.
- You rented a car, but had a small accident. Write a letter to the car company explaining the situation.
- Write a letter to a friend explaining your decisions for studying abroad.
- Your mobile phone has stopped working. Write a letter to the company to complain and ask for a solution.
- You got a statement from the bank with some unexplained charges. Write to them with a list of the charges and ask for an explanation and solution.
IELTS Essay Topics for Task 2 for General and Academic
Task 2 is very similar for the academic and general training modules.
For both tests, you will be asked to write an essay for task 2.
The second essay is a written response to a statement or question.
The essay for task 2 should contain a minimum of 250 words.
Now have a look at the essay topics below.
Instructions: Write a 250-word essay on one of the following issues.
- Some people argue that computer games are not good for small children. Discuss.
- Nowadays most people would not help a stranger in need. Discuss.
- A company in which every employee is valued will run smoothly. Discuss.
- Community spirit and cooperation are important for any town or city. Discuss.
- Global warming is a serious threat to the world and its inhabitants. Discuss.
- Social behavior and manners have changed a great deal in the last 20 years. Discuss.
- Gender-neutral language should be made mandatory in the lessons given in schools. Discuss.
- Mobile phones and other devices are harming our personal relationships. Discuss.
- Work experience is more important than academic qualifications. Discuss.
- History and geography are unimportant high school subjects. Discuss.
Writing Sample (Academic) – Task 1 Response
Here is one of our IELTS writing samples in response to data set 1 above:
The two pie charts show absences for different grade levels for a particular school for two semesters. Grade level 1 comprised only two percent of the student absences, while grade level 6 accounted for 11 percent. Grade levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 accounted for the remaining absences, with absentee rates ranging from 14 to 35 percent for these grades for semester 1.
On the whole, none of the six groups of students had dramatic changes during the time period. Grade level 5 was unchanged, and grade levels 2, 3, and 4 changed by only one or two percent each over the two semesters.
The largest decrease of seven percent was in grade level 6, which fell from 11 percent in semester 1 to four percent in semester 2. Grade level 1 had a five percent increase, rising from only two percent to seven percent. This was the largest increase of any of the groups in the data set.
Over one-third of students who were absent during both semesters were from grade level 4, which makes quite a poor attendance rate. The reason for the large absence rate of the grade level 4 students may need to be investigated if this continues into the future.
Writing Sample (General) – Task 1 Response
The letter below is another one of our IELTS writing samples in response to question 1, task 1 above for the general training module.
Here is the prompt again for your reference:
You want to apply for a job requires you to speak over the phone with customers and respond to their complaints. Write a letter explaining why you would be good for the job.
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to apply for the position of customer service representative with your company.
I believe that I would be a strong candidate for the position for a number of reasons. First of all, I am a confident and outgoing person, and I greatly enjoy speaking with others on the phone.
Having read the job requirements, I see that the position involves responding to customer complaints. I am a very calm person, and I have had experience of problem solving for customers in my previous job.
You can kindly refer to my enclosed application form to see further details of my education and former work experience.
I can be contacted at the address and telephone number provided on my application form. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Your faithfully,
Sam Smith
Writing Sample (Academic & General) – Task 2 Response
Below you will see another one of our IELTS writing samples in response to question 1 for task 2 for the general and academic modules.
Here is the prompt again for your reference:
Some people argue that computer games are not good for small children. Discuss.
Gaming has proliferated in today’s technological age, with gaming apps now available for free on phones and tablets, not to mention games for devices like the X-Box. Indeed, gaming seems to be a popular pastime for young and old alike. However, some people worry that there may be negative consequences for young children who regularly use computer games. This essay will show that while children’s computer gaming should be monitored by a responsible adult, games can impart certain positive outcomes to children.
Young children should receive special consideration because they are more impressionable and vulnerable than older children or adults. It is well know that some computer games contain violent content or adult themes that are not suitable for children, and this kind of content could damage a young child during his or her formative years. Therefore, a parent or other responsible adult should monitor their children’s game usage. This could be done by setting controls or filters, or simply by permitting the child to play games only when an adult is present.
In spite of the dangers inherent in certain computer games, the world of gaming is not totally negative. Children can learn problem-solving and decision-making skills by playing computer games that involve puzzles or searching for hidden items. Playing computer games in which the child has to identify flying objects can help to improve the reflexes. In addition, computer games in which the user builds a village or colors in a piece of artwork and can enhance the creativity of children.
To conclude, the computer game usage of young children should ultimately be controlled by a parent. However, it is doubtful that banning games completely would be a beneficial or realistic goal. The problem solving, decision making, and creativity that children can learn from some computer games are positive skills that will help them dramatically later in life.
More IELTS Writing Samples for the Exam
Our book tells you how to write your IELTS essays step by step.
The study guide has IELTS essay topics and writing samples with comments.
Study the IELTS writing samples and comments in this book to improve your writing skills.
Please click on the image above for further information.
What Examiners Look for in Your IELTS Writing
For both the IELTS academic and IELTS general modules, examiners will look for the following skills:
- ability to answer the question without going off the topic
- communicating to the reader in the appropriate style
- grammatical and sentence construction skills
IELTS Writing – More Advice
You will have sixty minutes to complete both tasks.
Spend about 20 minutes on task 1 and about 40 minutes on task 2.
Try our free exercises to improve your grammar.
IELTS Writing Samples – Download
Each one of our writing practice tests includes tasks 1 and 2 for the academic module.
Most important, our practice tests include high-level model answers and teacher’s comments.
You can also improve your other skills for the exam: