IELTS Writing Tips Page
You need IELTS writing tips if you want to get a good score on your essay.
Students sometimes ask why an essay would be scored poorly by the examiners.
These mistakes usually cause students to receive a low score on the IELTS task 2 essay:
- The 1st mistake: The essay does not express a clear point of view.
Thesis statement – Tip 1
Give a clear thesis statement in the first paragraph of your essay.
- The 2nd mistake: The essay has not been written in the correct tone and style.
Informality – Tip 2
Avoid using informal or conversational expressions on task 2.
Examples of informal language include expressions like “super” or “mate”.
- The 3rd mistake: The reasons or examples in the essay do not support the main idea.
Main Idea – Tip 3
Be sure that your reasons and examples are closely related to your main idea.
For instance, if you are asked to write about art programs but talk about physical education programs instead, your examples would not be related to the main idea.
- The 4th mistake: The essay is disorganized and difficult to read and score.
Organization – Tip 4
Avoid disorganization by planning your essay before you begin writing.
- The 5th mistake: The essay contains errors in sentence construction or has only simple sentences.
Sentences – Tip 5
Try to avoid writing every sentence in the subject-verb-object sentence pattern.
Begin sentences with words and phrases like “although” or “because of this” instead.
- The 6th mistake: The essay does not show an advanced thought process.
Give Examples – Tip 6
Give strong reasons and examples to express and support your position.
- The 7th mistake: The essay has errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Watch Errors – Tip 7
Get our great study guide!

Our study guide gives you practice in all of the areas of grammar on the exam.
If you have weaknesses in these areas, you should spend more time studying the “Grammar Preparation” and “IELTS Language Practice” sections of this study guide.
You will also learn what examiners look for in your essays.